Shift Happens is a roadmap to change and new approaches

Receive the twenty-four class beginner’s series, an additional ten class pack so you can explore all of the types of meditation we have to offer, and a thirty-minute personal path consultation. This $464 value is available for the special price of $266.

The benefits of meditation are well-documented and extensive. Meditation boosts your overall wellness and energy levels, aids memory and focus, relieves stress and anxiety, improves attitude and outlook, and so much more. What do you need to shift in your life? Our meditation experts will help you design your personal plan to facilitate that shift.

The top reason people don’t meditate is because they don’t know how.

We’ve got you covered. We can teach you how. We can also introduce you to the different types of meditation and help you find the right type for you.

Of the people who don’t currently meditate, more than half have tried it in the past.

Sometimes new clients tell us that their previous meditation experiences weren’t so awesome. We know that while meditation is for everyone, it’s not always as easy as sitting in silence for some minutes. And, while apps are convenient and helpful, they don’t provide personalized instruction and guidance.

A common image of meditation is of a person sitting on the floor cross-legged with pointer fingers and thumbs making a circle chanting Om. Bliss, relaxation, and peace on the face. All of these images can be accurate in some way, but there’s so much more.

There are many misconceptions and myths about meditation. After 5 years of being in business, and decades of combined teaching experience, we have heard them all.

If you can’t make your brain stop creating thoughts . . . don’t worry, you can meditate.

If you got bored while trying to meditate before . . . we can help.

If you feel like you don’t have time . . . try it for a while and see how more things start to get done with less stress.

If you tried before and stopped . . . we have designed a program that creates immediate meditation success. We will inspire you, educate you, and create meditation experiences that help you see that you, too can enjoy the multitude of meditation benefits

Your Shifts Happens Starting August 2nd

~Class on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, from 6:30pm to 7pm for 8 weeks

  • Monday 7:00 Education & Guided Meditation

  • Tuesday 7:00 Fundamentals

  • Wednesday 7:00 Education & Guided Meditation

~10 Virtual Classes 

~30 minute personal path consultation

~Access to recorded class if you need to miss livestream

~Online community with access to teachers, recorded classes, and additional content

Click here to purchase or contact us with any questions.

The fine print:

All classes and consultations are livestreamed via Zoom.

The fee for this program is per person. Please do not  invite others to view classes with you.

We understand that things come up. Please make the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday classes a priority because each class builds on the last. We cannot prorate or refund for missed classes, but you can access a recording of the class.

The 10 Virtual Classes expires at the end of 16 weeks. No extension, proration, or refunds. You may not share or transfer this pass. This pass is good for regular livestreamed meditation classes only. It cannot be used for specialty or in-person classes.

We will reach out to schedule your private session after the second week of the series.