“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and vibration.”
My healing work focuses on empowering you to participate in your own healing, and to give you what you need to heal, balance, and align. My sessions are based on the idea that all physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues show up in your energy field first, and clearing, balancing , and nurturing that energy can be a profound and powerful way to help resolve chronic and acute concerns.
I use the human chakra system as a conceptual framework for working with your energy. Chakras are swirling life force energy centers in our bodies “where matter and consciousness meet” (chopra.com.) Each of the main chakras corresponds to massive nerve centers in the body, our major organ systems, and the emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our lives.
Life experiences, trauma, stress, and false beliefs are stored in this system, causing dis-ease and discomfort. Clearing, balancing, and attuning your chakra system can have a profound impact on improving every aspect of your life.
With a combination of Sound, Reiki, Crystal Therapies, I create healing sessions that:
∞ are deeply relaxing rejuvenating, clothing on, minimal contact therapy
∞ will realign energetic frequencies, remove emotional blocks, and encourage healing and spiritual growth
∞ assist in all areas of your life by clearing energetic imbalances, that left untreated, may end up manifesting in physical ailments or emotional issues
∞ promote health via physical and energetic crystal and sound frequency entrainment
I use a combination of Sound & Vibration Therapy, Crystal Healing, and Reiki Healing in all of my Healing Facilitation sessions. All three of these modalities facilitate deep rest and relaxation, allowing a state where the body heals itself. While that is quite powerful, there’s more.
Sound Therapy
If you google “cymatics,” you’ll be amazed at how sound can organize physical matter into beautiful symmetrical shapes and patterns. There is significant research that indicates that sound can therapeutically alter the vibration and physical structure of living organisms in the same way. Many believe that therapeutic sound creates vibrations that permeate every part of your body, even down to the cells and molecules. This vibration brings your physical, mental, and energy systems back into stasis and alignment.
Stress is part of modern-day life. Stress contributes to and is often the root of many physical and emotional diseases. If we can find ways to reduce stress and anxiety, we will feel better. At the most basic level, this is how Sound Therapy can help you.
More and more, scientific and medical research is affirming that sound is a powerful healing modality. Much of the current research addresses the calming effects of sound therapies for stress and anxiety reduction.
Sound Therapy . . .
~Significantly reduces stress and anxiety
~Improves circulation
~Reduces blood pressure
~Facilitates deep relaxation and pain relief
~Increases mental and emotional clarity
~Promotes stillness, mindfulness, well-being
The levels of healing in a sound session can be quite complex . . .
~The sound is beautiful and calming, so you recognize and focus in on the aesthetics of what your sense of hearing is perceiving. This slows down your thoughts and brings you mindfully into the moment.
~The sound helps slow your brainwaves to the alpha state. Alpha is the resting state of the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination and mind-body integration. This relaxed state allows the body to repair itself instead of responding to outside concerns.
~As the sound moves you into deeper relaxation, your brain will oscillate between theta and delta states. Theta is associated with deep meditation and withdraws our senses from the external world. Delta brainwaves are generated in the deepest meditation and dreamless sleep. These waves totally suspend external awareness and it is in this state that healing and regeneration are stimulated.
~Sound & Vibration Therapy is not just about what your ears and brain perceive. It is also creates vibrations that permeate every part of your body, even down to the cells and molecules. This vibration brings your physical, mental, and energy systems back into stasis and alignment.
When you make an appointment, you’ll be asked a few questions that help me get a solid sense of your healing goals and intentions. From that information and the discussions during your appointment, I’ll choose the music for a unique-to-you session.
Crystal Therapy
There is no doubt that crystals transmute and transform electromagnetic energy–our everyday lives are dependent on the crystals that store and transmit information in computers and phones . Crystals effecting energy is crucial to laser and other applications in industry and medicine.
Crystals are also thought to transmute and transform the human electromagnetic field. Crystals, by definition, have a set internal structure all the way down to the molecular level. They therefore have a set, strong, steady, and consistent vibration. So when a crystal is placed on the human body, the vibration of the body changes to match that of the crystal in the same way that a tuning fork vibration with lesser amplitude will raise its amplitude to a tuning fork vibrating at a greater amplitude.
Crystals are Earth’s powerful energetic tools, and I have a deep understanding of the human electromagnetic field, and how gemstones and crystals interact with these fields. I am trained and experienced in recognizing and remedying energetic imbalances or blockages within this field utilizing crystal energy. I have an intuitive relationship with her extensive collection of gemstones and crystals, many of which are rare.
Reiki Energywork
The word “reiki” translates to “life force energy”. This energy nourishes, balances, and heals. On a very simple level, Reiki practitioners channel or gather life force energy , send it through their hearts and out their hands to the client. From this heart-centered focus, practitioners maintain a state of love and compassion–intentions that have been shown to effect the organization and beauty of water crystals (google Emoto water.) Additionally, measurements of electromagnetic frequencies emitted from the hands of energy workers show frequencies that are known to heal tissue and facilitate bone growth. Research has shown Reiki to be effective to the degree that it is being accepted and practiced in hospitals as a meaningful way to improve patient care and outcomes.
I am a Reiki Master Teacher and a Crystal Reiki Master Teacher, which means that I have been trained and attuned to teach and attune others. Both of these modalities use universal life force energy channeled out the hands and both have symbols that send energy with specific intentions. Crystal Reiki uses crystals in addition to the energy and symbols.
Bringing It All Together
I layer all three of these healing techniques in my healing facilitation sessions. While you relax in a meditative state, bathed in a unique-to-you custom sound bath, I place crystals on your fully-clothed body and infuse your energy system and body with Reiki energy.
You and I can work together in-person in-person at Meditation Bar, or you can do a distance session from the comfort of your own home. Click here to get more info about how remote/distance sessions work.
Chakra Therapy Sessions
These sessions focus on clearing and balancing your energetic system. I yesy each chakra, looking for clarity, blockages, and energy level. Then, I work methodically on each chakra with a custom combination of sound, crystal, and Reiki therapies.
Each session includes:
60-75 minute session
Sound & Vibration intuitively chosen for your needs
Testing of energy centers w/report
Clear and balance energy
Text/email follow-up
Follow-up Sessions
In Follow-up Sessions, I use Reiki, advanced crystal placement with fine-tuned crystals layered with sound and other therapies to address specific issues. Like all of my work, follow-up sessions are a genuinely relaxing, spa-like experiences that are gentle and effective while facilitating healing and spiritual growth.
These 60 to 75 minute sessions are for clients who have already had an Initial Healing Session with me. i can help you with many issues or intentions, including:
∞ A specific Chakra
∞ Chronic Pain
∞ Stress Reduction
∞ Love & Romance
∞ Abundance & Prosperity
∞ Relaxation & Stress Relief
∞ Business & Job
∞ Shielding (especially good for Empaths)
∞ Grounding
∞ Fertility
∞ Trauma Release
∞ ADD & Mental Focus
∞ Refresh and Increase Physical Energy